ITIS is a platform that allows healthcare professionals to exchange medical imaging exams. We cover MRI, PET, and other standard radiography modalities. ITIS is the only teleradiology solution certified “class I medical device”.
+2 500 000
+31 000

Outsource emergency or scheduled exams to a partnered teleradiology center to support clinics with limited staffing.

Transfer emergency or scheduled exams to another center in a hospital group to capitalize on local expertise.

Optimize the performance of imaging and emergency departments by structuring exam scheduling.
Strong authentication
Conformity to regulatory standards (HDS, GDPR…)
Timestamped and nominative traceability
Full web, SaaS platform (software as a service)
Integration with all information systems (PACS, RIS, DPI, DMU…)
Conformity to international standards (IHE, HL7)
Automated retrieval of patient’s identities and exam informations

Patient forms to contextualize exam requests

Urgent demand filiarisation to simplify interpretation

Statistics and activity driving unit : Medical BI

Integrated protocols and template write-ups

Shared files with viewer

Planning tool
Our medical
ITIS allows healthcare centers to outsource radiology interpretation to teleradiology centers partnered with Deeplink Medical.
Our buying central
ITIS is referenced on multiple buying centrals for hospitals.